
為預防武漢肺炎疫情,本校進行防疫措施,將使用乙種圍籬封閉部分出入口 ,人員請由正門校門及建築中心大樓旁後門出入,3月2日起進行人員額溫檢測,請全校教職員生配合管制措施,並請衡量上課上班時間提早到校,措施上路可能會造成檢測延誤時間,感謝大家得耐心與體諒,造成不便敬請見諒。
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), from March 2, 2020 we will take preventive actions such as closing some entrances of the campus and mandatorily measuring body temperature. It is recommended that everyone is better to arrive campus early for scheduled class or meeting. Body temperature measures may cause time delays. Thank you for your patience and understanding.. Thank you for your cooperation.