Taiwan Tech travel guidelines during Coronavirus outbreak

Dear staff and students,
In response to the increased spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, Taiwan Tech faculty and students are required to carefully evaluate the necessity of travelling overseas. If overseas travel cannot be avoided, the following precautions must be taken:
  1. Taiwan Tech Faculty: Please enter the electronic NTUST Attendance Management System (差勤系統) and fill out "Application Form for Overseas Travel (出國申請單). Taiwan Tech students: Please complete Leave of Absence procedures (請假程序).
  2. If you have had contact with confirmed cases during your stay abroad, it is your responsibility to report the situation truthfully to the government authority when entering Taiwan and Taiwan Tech. Please call the CDC hotline 1922 and the Taiwan Tech security service 0800-695-995.
  3. Please fill in the online Health Questionnaire on NTUST Epidemic Prevention Website (https://health-care.ntust.edu.tw/Account/Login) after returning to Taiwan Any false statements or concealments of facts violating NTSUT Epidemic Prevention Measures will be followed up and punished in line with NTUST disciplinary rules.
  4. Following current rules by the Taiwan Centre of Disease Control, returnees from abroad will have to self-quarantine at home and/or obey a health self-management protocol. You must not enter Taiwan Tech Campus during that period. Please refer to regulations for taking leave as outlined on the NTUST Epidemic Prevention Website.
  5. Returnees from abroad should wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and measure their body temperature morning and night for 14 days.
  6. Please refer to other epidemic prevention measures at NTUST Epidemic Prevention Website (https://anti-epidemic.ntust.edu.tw/).


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