2019-04-09 Second COVID-19 case at National Taiwan Normal University

Explanation of measures after a second COVID 19 case was confirmed at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), one of the partner schools in the NTU Triangle Alliance, on 9 April 2020:   

The second case at NTNU was a roommate of the first case, but had moved out of the NTNU dormitory for home quarantine on 30 March. The second case is not taking any courses within the NTU Triangle Alliance, and has thus not entered NTUST campus. According to the results of the contact tracking, no NTUST student or staff was listed as a contact.

The Taiwan Tech Epidemic Prevention Response Team contacted NTNU to obtain the name list of students who are currently conducting health self-management procedures. These students will be denied entry to NTUST campus.

Apart from this measure, teaching and other procedures at Taiwan Tech remain normal. We will closely observe the epidemic development within the next few days, and immediately adjust epidemic prevention measures if necessary.