[Oct. 21] Updated Information: New Epidemic Prevention Measures

1.  Access Control:
  (1)    From now on, the main gate and the hallway of the 1st student dormitory will be open to public, but everyone must follow the epidemic prevention measures.
  (2)    From Oct 25. (Mon), the elevator in the parking lot in TR-Building will be open and the users must take body temperature actively.
  (3)    IB parking lot remains closed for temporary parking.

2.  Sports: From now on, sports facilities (including swimming pools) will be open. In accordance with the policies of CECC, during outdoor sports, masks are not required to be worn. In indoor venues, such as basement of the gymnasium and the TR Building- B1, mask-wearing is still obligatory. 

3.  The campus policies would be adjusted in accordance with the situation of pandemic and relevant policies announced by the government.